An afternoon of connection before school starts for Grade 1 to Grade 6
Register Your Child/ren Below
1. I give permission for my child to attend the Back-to-School event hosted by Wongan Hills Therapy Group.
2. I understand and agree that my child will be under the care and supervision of Wongan Hills Therapy Group coordinators, both of whom hold current valid Working with Children Checks.
3. I acknowledge that while every reasonable effort will be made to ensure my child’s safety, I release and hold harmless Wongan Hills Therapy Group, its coordinators, and representatives from any and all liability, claims, or demands arising out of any injury or loss sustained during the event, except in cases of proven negligence.
4. I agree to provide all relevant medical information, including allergies or special needs, prior to the event.
5. In the event of an emergency, I authorize Wongan Hills Therapy Group coordinators to seek appropriate medical attention for my child. I understand that I am responsible for any associated medical costs.
6. I give permission for my child to appear in event-related photos or videos for promotional purposes.